In this generation, you rarely get to see people who are extremely kind, and would take a bullet for you. There are also some kind of people who are super-rich and would "pretend" to be kind to people. But have you ever seen a person who is super-rich and at the same time, being kind to people? You may have, or you may have not. But, you never know if that person is being a hypocrite or not. Okay, let's face it. That particular person may look as angelic as possible, and behave like a saint, but do you know what that person's really like? He/She could be a trained pathological liar, for all you know. Of course, this ''theory'' of mine isn't applicable to ALL the people. But this maybe shows that it probably does exist: Me, and my three other friends were at Starbucks. Since I'm not much of a Starbucks-going person, I was a bit confused what to order. After a little while, when I was done ordering, this woman started getting all ...